St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Framework Document for a return to the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments

11 Jun 2020


Statement of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference on the publication of the Framework Document for a return to the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments - 9th June 2020


Below is a link to the statement of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference on the publication of the Framework Document for a return to the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments.


The purpose of the Framework document is to assist priests and people in their own preparations and to help ensure that the re-opening of our churches for public worship happens in a safe and measured way. The document states, however, that "in all circumstances the safety and health of people, ministers, and priests must be paramount.  No church should be opened for public prayer or worship until satisfactory arrangements, as indicated in this Framework, have been put in place.”

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