St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan


  'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you, I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid.'  Saint John 14:27   Christmas is traditionally a time of joy and happiness as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.  We decorate our homes and Christmas trees with bright...

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  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bradley family circle at this sad time following the death of Eddie. Eddie's funeral is from his home, 39 Derrygarve Park, Castledawson BT45 8EZ on Saturday, 16th December at 10.15am for 11.00am Requiem Mass in the Church of St Trea, Newbridge. Interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.   Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul...

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  Archbishop Martin:  "Many mothers in crisis have felt supported – sometimes at the very last minute – by a sensitive offer of practical help to find a way out of their crisis other than by ending the life of their unborn baby.”   Background Tomorrow Seanad Éireann will debate the second stage of the Health (Termination of Pregnancy ...

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  Background Today attending the anniversary Mass for the late Private Seán Rooney RIP, along with close family members, were: Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Seán Clancy; Department of Defence Secretary General, Jacqui McCrum; Assistant Secretary, Bernie Maguire, and chaplains to the Irish Defence Forces.    Homily delivered by the...

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  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bateson family circle at this sad time following the death of John. John's funeral is from his home, 11 Park View, Castledawson on Wednesday, 13th December at 10.15am for 11.00am Requiem Mass in the Church of St Trea, Newbridge. Interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.  Un...

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  All couples who plan to marry in 2024 are asked to contact the Parish Office by email at: to arrange for the completion of all necessary Church and State paperwork.   Meetings to complete paperwork will take place on an arranged date in the evening at 6pm and should last no more than 30 minutes. The completion of the necessary paperwork is a le...

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    An all night vigil to Knock is taking place on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.   Bus leaves Toome at 3.30pm on 7th December.   Fare £20, 3 course meal 30 Euro, £20 deposit secures seat. Trip will depend on sufficient numbers.   Contact Una at 07743575969 to book a place.   See poster for further information.  ...

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  Christmas is a time of rejoicing, when we remember the birth of Our Lord. We celebrate that the Word became flesh to bring salvation to all.  We rejoice and celebrate by gathering with our loved ones, sharing heartfelt moments around the same table, and expressing our love through tokens of appreciation and thoughtful gifts.   This Christmas Veritas invites you to share the j...

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  The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (the National Board) wishes to appoint a Director of Training and Support.   The closing date for applications is 4.00pm on Monday 18 December 2023.   Full details can be found at ...

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  December 8th - The Feast of the Immaculate Conception   A special evening of Prayer and Hymns takes place in St Patrick’s Cathedral.  Mass at 7:30pm followed by Adoration and Candle-Lit Vigil accompanied by the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal (Drogheda) - concluding at 10pm with Benediction. Confessions available throughout the evening.   Please do join ...

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