St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan


    Precious Life and other pro-life groups are holding a Rally for Life at Custom House Square, Belfast on Saturday 11 March 2023, at 2.00pm. Immediately before the Rally, a special Mass for Life will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church, Donegal Street, at 12.30pm. Please pray for the protection of the unborn.  ...

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    It is with great shock and a sense of disbelief that we have learned of the horrific gun attack on a member of the PSNI in Omagh. It is impossible to find appropriate words even to describe let alone condemn such an act of depraved violence against a police officer who, as a public servant, works for the protection and well-being of the whole community. Our thoughts and prayers a...

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    As we approach the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, we remember that this agreement was not an end in itself, but the beginning of a new way of living our relationships on this shared island.     Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the holy season of Lent when, each day, Christians offer prayer, charity and sacrifice.  The beginning of Lent ...

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  I welcome the Government’s announcement of a Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use A health-led approach to drug abuse will help move vulnerable people away from the orbit of influence of criminal gangs Father Mathew’s call to sobriety has relevance to our contemporary society as the cost of human suffering, familial upheaval, work absenteeism, criminality and social...

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  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hinfey family circle at this sad time following the death of Francis (Francey). Francey's funeral is from his late sister Ann’s home, 59 Oaklea Road, on Monday, 20th February at 10.15am for 11.00am Requiem Mass in the Church of St. Trea, Newbridge.  Interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.   Sacred Heart of Jesus hav...

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    Please find below a copy of the Safeguarding Briefing which will be read out at Masses on the weekend of 18th and 19th February, 2023.   Further information on the arrangements for Safeguarding in the Archdiocese of Armagh can be viewed at the link below: Archdiocese of Armagh  - Safeguarding arrangements A review of arrangements for Safegu...

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  Background Last week, from 5 to 12 February, Archbishop Martin along with thirteen other delegates from across Ireland, attended the first ever European Assembly of a Synod within the Catholic Church, in Prague, Czechia.  This was one of seven continental assemblies convening across five continents in a new stage of the universal Synodal Process. Please see below the final remark...

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  Contribution by Archbishop Martin: I would like to explore a little the creative tension between synodality and hierarchy in the communion of the Church.  In the Gospel passage (John chapter 15) about the vine and the branches, Jesus emphasises twelve times the importance of being in communion with Him: "Abide in me”; "remain in me”, He tells us, for just as a...

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  Archbishop Eamon Martin, along with 13 other delegates, will attend the first ever European Assembly of a Synod within the Catholic Church. There are seven continental assemblies taking place across five continents in a new stage of the synodal process and the European Assembly is taking place in Prague in the Czech Republic from 5 to 12 February 2023.    Archbishop Martin ...

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  Archbishop Martin: "Might we in the Churches offer to help develop an agreed truth recovery process to address the legacy of pain and mistrust that continues to hang over us?” "Peace, reconciliation and forgiveness on this island can only be progressed if we bring to light the truths about our troubled past that remain hidden and festering” ...

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