St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan


  The Armagh Diocesan Youth Commission are currently working on a project called ‘Just a Minute’. It involves posting a one minute video on the Diocesan YouTube channel three times a week during Lent on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Each video comprises a very short input on a topic relating to the Catholic Faith.   Fr. Thomas McHugh, Janet Forbes, Shannon Camp...

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  On each of the Tuesday evenings during Lent, a guest speaker will join in St Patrick’s Cathedral at 7.30pm to help us reflect on each of the following themes. People may wish to join in person or via St Patrick’s Cathedral Webcam. Tuesday 8 March     "Giving witness to faith in the world today”. (Malachi Cush) Malachi is a singer/songwriter,...

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  Precious Life will hold a "Restore Personhood” Pre-election Campaign Meeting on Wednesday, 2nd March at 7.30pm in The Terrace Hotel, Magherafelt at 7.30pm. All welcome.    For more information, contact Precious Life on 07592280522 or email   ...

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  Message of Archbishop Eamon Martin asking for prayer and sacrifice this Lent for the people of Ukraine   The people of Ireland are well aware that we can never take peace for granted.  We must always continue work for peace, to pray for peace and to make sacrifices for peace.   The scenes from Ukraine in recent days are distressing and frightening.  They re...

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  The number of pews cordoned off in the Church has been reduced to every other row, so more pews are now available to use. As a result, the rota system has been suspended and parishioners may now attend any of the weekend Masses. We thank you for following the rota system when it was in place. The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays remains suspended.   Whe...

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  Seamus Maquire from Aghagallion disappeared in or around Sept 1973/1974.   The Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains (ICLVR) has now confirmed that Seamus was disappeared.  As the case falls under ICLVR any information about where Seamus is secretly buried is treated in the strictest confidence.  It cannot be shared with any state body includ...

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  Southern Area Hospice Services are calling on the local community to get behind their ‘Big Bucket Collection’ which takes place in towns and villages throughout the Southern Trust Area on Friday 25th March 2022.   Could you and your family, friends or work colleagues come together to volunteer at one of their collections? Southern Area Hospice are looking fo...

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  The City Chapter invites you to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March 2022 at 8:00pm in the Cardinal Tomás Ó’Fiaich Memorial Library and Archive, Armagh.   Join author and storyteller Marianne McShane to experience the magic of traditional storytelling. Marvel at the princess who became Ireland’s mermaid saint, hear how the first harp came to Irel...

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  Archbishop Eamon Martin and Bishop Michael Router invite you during February to take part in the consultation for the Universal Synod of the Church.  Your response, and the responses of various groups and organisations, across the archdiocese, will be very helpful and will contribute greatly to a listening process that is taking place around the world.    To help you tak...

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  There will be a SYNOD meeting on the 23 February in the Parish Centre at 8 p.m. You are invited to come along and share your views on where the Church is being called at this time. Young people are especially welcome since you are the future of the Church.   Further information on the Universal SYNOD process can be found at the links below:    New website ...

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