St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan


  Homily for Mass for the Dedication of Studies at the Catholic Chaplaincy, Queen’s University Belfast A stand-out memory for me of life in university is that first day in College - with all its nervousness and anticipation; wandering and getting lost among historic buildings, libraries and lecture halls; student cards, clubs and societies; new faces the promise of making new f...

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    Join one of the LIFE CHAINS organised by Precious Life in towns across Northern Ireland on Saturday 24th October @2pm (organised in accordance with government Covid-19 restrictions on outdoor gatherings). For more information please contact Precious Life on 028 9027 8484 or email   ...

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  Do not lose heart – a message in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic   Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic the people of Ireland have endured testing times with courage, resilience, and compassion. Individuals and communities have made great sacrifices for the protection of life, health and the Common Good. Like many others, the Church has endeavoured to suppor...

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    "To Whom Shall We Go?  Seeking Jesus in the Gospel of John” 8 session course, led by Sr Pam Thimmes OSC, hosted via Zoom, on the Gospel of St John, starting - Saturday, 24 October 2020 (10 am – 12:30 pm). The cost of the online course is £120 per individual or £180 per household.   "Hope in a Time of Pandemic” ...

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  Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Ireland invites parishes, schools and families to participate in the initiative on 19th October of "One Million Children Praying the Rosary”. The focus of the prayer campaign is worldwide unity and peace. This year provides a very special context, because never has there been such a worldwide healthcare and economic crisis. Cardinal Mauro Pia...

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    In accordance with the public health restrictions to prevent the spread of Covid-19, members of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference gathered this week for their Autumn 2020 General Meeting via video-link, instead of the usual location at Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth.  This was the second plenary meeting of bishops hosted using this medium.  The Presi...

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  In a joint statement today (6 October), Christian Church Leaders from across the island of Ireland have appealed for renewed efforts to strengthen relationships across and between these islands and beyond in this critical phase of the Brexit negotiations.   Church Leaders’ joint statement in full   "With limited time remaining to prepare for the outworking...

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  Archbishop Eamon Martin encourages all to read Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis’ letter to all of humanity on fraternity and social friendship   Text summary and video resources accompanying Fratelli Tutti now available on   Pope Francis’ third encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti (All brothers and sisters), a call to solidarity for all of hu...

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  Archbishop Eamon is asking families to pray the Rosary together for the month of October in a ‘Family Rosary Crusade against Covid’. On Saturday October 10th, the Hail Holy Queen Conference will be Live and Exclusive on Radio Maria Ireland, beginning with the Rosary from 12.30pm.  Guest speakers include Dana, Marino Restrepo, Fr Damian Polly, Fr Ruairi O'Domh...

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  Light a candle and join us in remembering our babies and children who have died in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda - October 4th, 2020 From 3pm. Please see poster below. The Virtual Service from Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda can be viewed at the two links below: Virtual Remembrance Ceremony 2020 Part A Virtual Remembrance Ceremony...

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