St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan


  Catholic Bishops in Northern Ireland have written to the Secretary of State, Mr Brandon Lewis MP, expressing their concern at the UK Government`s proposed approach to dealing with the legacy of the past.  Mentioned in the letter, the role of the Northern Ireland Catholic Council on Social Affairs, established in 2003, is to assist in the coordination of, and to enhance, the work of ...

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  A message from Deacon Kevin to parishioners during Holy Week.   The message can be viewed on the St Treas - Parish of Newbridge & Ballymaguigan Facebook page at the link below:   A message from Deacon Kevin to parishioners during Holy Week. ...

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  "Early on the first day of the week while it was still dark…” John 20:1 The Easter story begins in darkness, in a time of great fear, sorrow and despair. The disciples were nowhere to be seen but were hidden away behind locked doors fearing for their lives. That description could very easily describe the world we have been living in for the last number of weeks as th...

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  Marie McGrogan's funeral will take place in the Church of St. Trea, Newbridge on Monday, 6th April at 11:00 a.m. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and in the interest of health and safety within the community, Marie’s Wake and Funeral will be Strictly Private. Full funeral details can be viewed at   May she rest in peace. ...

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   Faithcast, the weekly faith podcast from the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, is launching a special daily series for Holy Week. The Faithcasts will focus on how we can live Holy Week as people of faith in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.   Faithcast is a mixture of interviews, news and stories of faith from the Catholic Church in Ireland. The podcast, whi...

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    As you know the Church leaders have said, "as Christians, we believe that prayer sustains our life as followers of Christ.  In the midst of this global pandemic, we turn to Jesus in our time of need.  As Church leaders, we join together in calling all our people to prayer”  and, along with other denominations and Christian organisations, are joining in p...

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  Please see below a message from Bishop Michael Router regarding Holy Week Resources which will be available for families and individuals. Dear Father, Deacon, I hope you are all coping well with the restrictions to ministry and life that have been brought about by this unfortunate pandemic. As you know Holy Week is fast approaching and it is traditionally a very engaging and ...

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  Please see below a letter and information from Colm Hogan (Trócaire) regarding this year's Trócaire collection and on-line workshops. Dear Diocesan Secretary, I hope this finds you and yours safe and well during these uncertain times. These weeks are certainly challenging for all of you as you do your best to look out for people in your dioceses and parishes, given...

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  Press Release on Tuesday 31 March 2020   Statement by the Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland on the coming into effect of Westminster abortion legislation in Northern Ireland.   Today across NI, all of us, especially our medical staff, are doing all we can to save life. As the number of deaths caused by Coronavirus continues to rise, news reporters frequently remind us ...

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  The Church of St. Trea and its grounds are now closed to the public until further notice.   Following the new Government Regulations that came into force at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, 28 March, all church buildings and graveyards within Northern Ireland must close to the public with immediate effect.   The only exceptions are for: funerals, to broadcast an act ...

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