St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Triduum of Prayer to St Patrick

10 Mar 2023


As we celebrate the 150th year since the Dedication of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, a special TRIDUUM OF PRAYER TO SAINT PATRICK will take place in the Cathedral from Tuesday 14 – Thursday 16 March
Mass on the three mornings in St Patrick’s Cathedral at 10am and on the three evenings at 7.30pm
Tuesday 14 March 7.30pm
A time to look back! (Archbishop Eamon Martin)
Wednesday 15 March 7.30pm
A time to give thanks! (Fr Peter Burns CSSR, Rector of Clonard Monastery, Belfast)
Thursday 16 March 7.30pm
A time to look forward with hope and with joy! (Bishop Michael Router)
Prayer to St Patrick
O God, you sent your blessed servant St Patrick to teach and save the people of his time and place. You gave our patron a loving heart like your own. You filled him with great faith and a burning desire to work hard for your kingdom. Please listen when he prays for us, his sons and daughters. Grant to us, through his intercession, a lively faith, a firm hope and a strong will to build your kingdom. We pray this through Christ our Lord, Amen.


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