St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Webcam Masses in the Archdiocese of Armagh during the Coronavirus Pandemic

14 Mar 2020


Webcam Masses in the Archdiocese of Armagh during the Coronavirus Pandemic can be viewed here.


The website displays a schedule of when Masses are being held in various Churches within the Archdiocese, and there are links to Masses in other locations. 


You can join in the celebration of Mass from Armagh Parish via webcams on Sundays from St Malachy’s Church at 8am and 10am and from St Patrick’s Cathedral at 11am.
Masses will be streamed at the same times from St Malachy’s Church and from St Patrick’s Cathedral on St Patrick’s Day. Archbishop Martin will celebrate the Mass at 11am for the people of the Archdiocese and for the people of Ireland at this time.


Masses will be streamed each weekday from St Patrick’s Cathedral at 10am and from St Malachy’s Church at 7.30pm. 


The following are links to some of the available webcam Masses within the Archdiocese:

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