St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Latest News from the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland

18 Jan 2023


Dear Friends,

In wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year, I am also conscious that we brought in the new year with the news of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. During the Angelus on the first day of the Synod on The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church (5th October 2008), Pope Benedict said "the synodal dimension is constitutive of the Church; it consists of a coming together of every people and culture in order that they become one in Christ and walk together, following him, who said: 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life' (Jn 14:6). In fact, the Greek work sýnodos, which is composed of the preposition syn, or 'with', and odòs, which means 'path, road', suggests the idea of 'walking on a path together', and this is truly the experience of the People of God within salvation history." 

As we continue walking on a path together may we remember Pope Benedict in our prayers.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Julieann Moran
General Secretary 
Synodal Sunday Reflection for 15th January
As we approach Christian Unity Week, the Coordinator of Peace Ministry in Clonard Monastery, Ed Petersen, offers a video reflection on this coming Sunday's Gospel of John (1:29-34). Please do continue to watch out for our eBlasts on Thursdays, which will have the Synodal Sunday reflection for the upcoming Sunday.

Please also share these videos as widely as possible - on your websites, your social media platforms, and with others on your networks. You'll find the videos on our website, on our YouTube Channel, Facebook and Twitter for ease of sharing. 

Would You Like to Contribute to our Synodal Sundays?
Thank you to those who got in touch to let me know how much they appreciated the first couple of Synodal Sunday reflections. It was also great to see them being shared on websites and Facebook pages! However, there are 53 Sundays in this calendar year and it would be fantastic to have a diverse range of people - lay men, lay women, religious, and ordained - taking part. If you feel you could write a 350 word reflection for a particular Sunday and are happy to do a video (or even an audio reflection), please do get in touch with me at  

An Intercontinental Course on Synodality
Registration is now open for a free intercontinental course being offered by Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry. "History, Theology and Ministerial Practice of Synodality" will be facilitated virtually and offered during the months of February and March 2023 at no cost to participants worldwide. Lectures are pre-recorded and available to be viewed in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian and German.

Thank You for Your Reflections
Thank you to all those who returned their reflections to on the Working Document for the Continental Stage of the Synod. Over the coming days, these reflections will be collated for the delegates attending the Continental Assembly of the Synod in Prague and the delegation attending the Assembly online. Once again, thank you for all you are doing in your dioceses, communities, and organisations in preparation for the Synod. It is greatly appreciated. 


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