St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Graveyard Details


Church of Saint Trea, Newbridge Graveyard Rules and Regulations

Because burial ground in the parish is a very limited resource it is important to use it efficiently. For this reason, it is important that all new graves be deep enough for two coffins (a double grave is double deep). Only when more than two burials in a plot will be required can a double width be allocated.

Guidelines can be read in the Church porch or at the link below.


Church of Saint Trea, Newbridge Graveyard Details 

The Irish Graveyards website provides the facility to search a number of Irish graveyards to locate a specific grave or simply to browse through a graveyard or number of graveyards. You can use their search engine or their graveyard locator to find what you are looking for.

To view the Irish Graveyards website, click on the link below:


To view the graveyard details for the Church of Saint Trea, Newbridge, you can click on the Irish Graveyards website above, then select Search, enter County Derry, and Graveyard Newbridge and click Submit. This will give a list of all the graves in the graveyard. If you wish, you can just select the graves for a particular name by also entering the Last Name and/or First Name for the Search.

Alternatively, you can click on the link below to view the graveyard details for the Church of Saint Trea, Newbridge:
You can also view the graveyard map by clicking on the link below:
Copyright 2025 St Trea's Parish