Life in the Spirit Seminars taking place via webcam in Armagh during Lent
10 Mar 2021
Armagh Parish Holy Spirit Prayer Group are hosting the Life in the Spirit Seminars in St Malachy’s Church, Armagh during the coming weeks on Tuesday evenings at 8pm. The programme continues as follows:
- Tues 16th March: Fr Gerry Campbell will speak on "Baptism in the Holy Spirit”
- Tues 23rd March: Bishop Michael Router will speak on "Growth in the Spirit”
- Tues 30th March Teresa Lappin will speak on "Transformation in Christ”.
People are encouraged to join via St Malachy’s Church Webcam on each of the evenings and especially during the season of Lent, to help deepen their faith and to grow in knowledge and love of God. As we prepare for the Seminars, we pray for the speakers and for all who will take part, that the Lord may touch the hearts of all.
God our Father, pour out your Holy Spirit upon your people and grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your Word and a new consecration to your service, that your love may grow among us, and your kingdom come; through Christ our Lord, Amen
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