St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

St Oliver Plunkett - Triduum of Prayer - July 7 – 9 July 2019 - St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh

6 Jul 2019
Triduum of Prayer (July 7 – 9 July 2019)
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh

In preparation for the unveiling of the new statue of St Oliver Plunkett, marking the 350th anniversary of his appointment to the See of Armagh and honouring all Martyrs of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Sunday 7 July
5.30pm Mass and Prayers  
Theme: St Oliver: Man of Faith
Homilist: Canon Benedict Fee, Secretary of organising committee
Monday 8 July
7.30pm Mass and Prayers  
Theme: St Oliver: Man of Courage
Homilist: Fr Anselm Brumwell, Sub Prior of Downside Abbey, Somerset
Tuesday 9 July
7.30pm Mass and Prayers and Unveiling of Statue         
Theme: St Oliver: Man of Peace
Homilist: Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh & Primate of all Ireland

St Oliver Plunkett Walk – Drogheda to Armagh (7 – 9 July)
Young people who have celebrated their First Holy Communion or Confirmation this year to help lead the last stage of the St Oliver Walk!
Walkers will arrive at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh for the unveiling of the new Statue of St Oliver Plunkett, to mark the 350th anniversary of his appointment to the See of Armagh. People are welcome to meet the walk at St Malachy’s Church on the Tuesday evening at 6.30pm and then walk the last part of it through the centre of Armagh to the Cathedral for the special celebration at 7.30pm. Young people who have celebrated their First Holy Communion or Confirmation this year are encouraged to wear their outfits and follow St Jarlath’s Pipe Band from St Malachy’s Church. Many of the Primary Four boys will carry flags of St Oliver Plunkett which will be provided on the evening and Primary Four girls are encouraged to bring baskets of petals which they will strew on the evening. A special Relic of St Oliver will also be carried on the Pilgrim Walk.

Prayer in honour of St Oliver Plunkett
Gracious God and Father, we praise you for the faith and courage of St Oliver Plunkett and all the Martyrs of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. In their time and place, they gave heroic witness to your mercy and love, even in the face of hostility and hatred. St Oliver Plunkett was a man of peace and worked tirelessly to promote justice and peace wherever the road of life brought him. We ask you to give us something of Saint Oliver Plunkett’s faith and courage. In particular, moved by his example of prayerful trust in your mercy, we ask you through his intercession for this special intention…….
Help us to give witness to you in our homes, schools and places of work and play now and always. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
St Oliver, Pray for us
All Holy Martyrs of yesterday, today and tomorrow, Pray for us

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