St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

The Joy of Love in Marriage - Marriage Enrichment Weekends

14 Jul 2019

The Joy of Love in Marriage

A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) Weekends (Fri 8pm to Sun 4:30pm) will be held at the Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry from 13 – 15 Sep 2019  and at The Lake Hotel Killarney from 15 -17 Nov 2019. For info. and to book, visit or phone 087 784 0408 [ROI] or 0770 281 2321 [NI].


Catholic Marriage Encounter in Ireland(Catholic Marriage Encounter Northern Ireland) are affiliates of WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - a global Catholic voluntary movement of the Lay Faithful (listed by the Pontifical Council for the Laity; click on ) that offers the Marriage Enrichment Weekend in 94 countries.  In Ireland we are one of the Marriage and Family support organisations who work closely with the Council for Marriage and the Family of the Irish Bishops Conference.
The core of our work is the Marriage Enrichment Weekend. Presented by three married couples and a priest, the Weekend is a residential workshop that offers married couples in a good relationship (normal ups and downs) the opportunity to explore, renew and enrich what they already have going for them in a way that completely respects their privacy.  It is about how married spouses in the midst of a busy demanding work life schedules can begin to truly realise The Joy of Love in their daily lives that our Holy Father Pope Francis sets before us in Amoris Laetitia.  Our Weekends are Catholic in their ethos in that marriage is seen as a Sacrament that very much reflects God’s love for men and women who are choosing to live in a life long commitment of love for one another.  Weekends include the celebration of Mass on Sunday.

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