St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

The public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments to resume from Friday, 26th March

20 Mar 2021



Permission has now been given to resume the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments from Friday, the 26th March, provided all protocols are observed. This includes the cleaning / sanitising of the Church after each ceremony, observing proper distance – 2m if possible - and having stewards for larger gatherings. 

Numbers will be limited. We propose to begin with caution and with minimum risk of spreading the infection. 

Some pews in the Church have been cordoned off to facilitate social distancing. When attending Mass, families from the same household may sit at one pew together without restrictions. Otherwise there are limited numbers allowed in each pew. If you are receiving Holy Communion, can you please go up the side aisles and down the centre aisle whilst maintaining a safe distance from others at all times.
Next weekend - 27/28 March
Next weekend (27/28 March) we invite those parishioners in Ballymaguigan who live 
beyond St Trea’s school to attend the vigil Mass at 7pm, and those who live on Creagh Road 
and beyond to the border of Bellaghy (excluding Bannside) to attend the Sunday morning Mass
at 10am. (Palm Sunday palms will be blessed at the morning Mass and can be collected 
at 11am in the carpark). 
The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays remains suspended.

It is important that people who are vulnerable or unwell, especially those with any symptoms that might suggest Covid-19 infection, should stay at home and, if possible, participate via webcam, television or radio.
In order to support the NHS TEST AND TRACE PROGRAMME, we are taking contact details (name and telephone number) for all worshippers, as well as recording times (apart from weekend Masses) entering and leaving St Trea's Church. Records will be held for 21 days then destroyed. 
Face coverings should be worn at all ceremonies in the Church (exceptions are those who are medically exempt).

Copyright 2025 St Trea's Parish