Trócaire - After the cyclone, a way back
12 Aug 2024
The deafening sound was half-howl, half-roar.
And when Cyclone Freddy was finished in Malawi – with lives lost and houses obliterated – the once-fertile farmlands of Rhoda Joseph’s beloved Mchenge village were buried under mud and sand.
Poverty would make their recovery doubly hard. How do you restore soil for planting, when your family needs food now? Where do you get help to repair a well that’s your village’s only source of clean water?
Read your latest Together In Action newsletter, and discover why the answer is you, helping people find a way back – and a way forward – through your support and your love. Thank you for the light that you are:
Explore more stories in your supporter newsletter too...
- From Gaza, where Caritas Jerusalem Secretary General Anton Asfar shares how you’re rushing relief in some of the most difficult, dangerous circumstances imaginable.
- From Sierra Leone’s Port Loko district, where you’ll see photos of the solar-powered lights you helped fund, lighting the darkness there for one of the first times ever.
- And from Somalia’s Gedo region, where a little boy called Ali found shelter and healing after a terrible storm of loss and despair.
It’s the spirit of your love and kindness behind every story you’ll read today, in your Together In Action newsletter.
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