St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Triduum of Prayer to St Joseph - 12th to 14th October

25 Sep 2021


To mark the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis has proclaimed this year as a Year of St Joseph.

A special Triduum of Prayer to St Joseph will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh from Tuesday 12 – Thursday 14 October. Mass on each of the days will be celebrated at 8am, 10am and 7.30pm. Let us ask St Joseph to intercede for us and our families.
Tuesday 12 October
7.30pm Mass: Celebrant: Archbishop Eamon Martin
St Joseph, a family man and protector of all families, a man who models for us the family’s call to holiness.
We invite families to join on this day, to ask St Joseph to intercede for all our homes and families.
Wednesday 13 October
7.30pm Mass: Celebrant: Bishop Michael Router
St Joseph, a worker and the patron of all craftspeople and workers. He laboured for God and we too are called to labour in love.
We invite all workers and especially craftspeople to join on this day for a special blessing of our hands.
Thursday 14 October
7.30pm Mass: Celebrant: Monsignor Colum Curry
St Joseph, the dreamer, an example for everyone and especially our young whom Jesus teaches never to lose the ability to dream, to take risks and to take on difficult tasks.
We invite all who have dreams to join and especially young people and expectant mothers who have dreams for their child and their children.
Pope Francis’ Prayer for the Year of St Joseph:
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. AMEN


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