St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Events 2021


St  Trea's, Ballymaguigan have organised a litter pick and general tidy up of the local area on Sunday 28th February. All help will be greatly appreciated.

If you or your family can give a few hours of your time, please contact Johnny or Charlene at 07821883197 for further details.
Litter pickers and bin bags will be available on the day. All Covid-19 guidelines must be adhered to.


For further details, view the News Item.


Devine Mercy Ceremony will be held in the Church on Sunday, 11th April at 3pm.


The sacrament of Confirmation will be administrated to pupils from St Trea's P.S. on 23rd April at 5pm.


The sacrament of Confirmation will be administrated to pupils from Anahorish P.S. on Thursday, 6th May at 5pm.


For health reasons, numbers are limited to the parents, the child and sponsor. Please note that photographs inside the church after the ceremony are limited to these people also.


The celebration of First Holy Communion for pupils of St. Trea's Primary School will take place on Saturday, 8th May at 11:00 a.m.
For health reasons, numbers are limited to the parents and the child. Please note that photographs 
inside the church after the ceremony are limited to these people also.




The celebration of First Holy Communion for pupils of Anahorish Primary School will take place on Saturday, 15th May at 11:00 a.m.
For health reasons, numbers are limited to the parents and the child. Please note that photographs inside the church after the ceremony are limited to these people also.




Pope Francis is inviting the entire Catholic World to join him, through the Marian Sanctuaries across the globe, during the month of May, to pray for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The Rosary will be prayed in the Church on Friday, 28th May at 7pm for this intention.



The World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated on Sunday 25 July.
You can view resources for the World Day at the link below:
The Resources include: 

  • A welcome for the day from Bishop Nulty;
  • The Holy Father’s Message for the day in text and leaflet format;
  • Liturgical Notes for Sunday 25 July;
  • The official Prayer for the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly;
  • Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Prayer for Grandparents;
  • Quotes about Grandparents and the Elderly from Pope Francis;
  • Information on the Plenary Indulgence being granted for the day;
  • The ‘Plant A Tree in Their Memory’ initiative;
  • Social Media Visuals and the official social media hashtag; and
  • Useful links to additional resources from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and from the Catholic Grandparents Association 
These resources will be further added to between now and 25 July.


Archbishop Eamon Martin has launched the 2021 interactive digital Advent Calendar, which will go live on this Sunday 28 November, the first Sunday of Advent.
To view the Advent Calendar, please click on the link below:

A popular feature on the Advent Calendar is the audio thought for the day.  Contributors this year will include bishops, priests, religious, laity, staff of the councils and agencies of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, as well as primary, secondary and college students.  The 2021 Advent Calendar will also include:
  • Mass Readings and Saint of the Day;
  • Family prayers;
  • Advent videos: blessing of the crib in the home, blessing of the advent wreath in the home;
  • Words of hope and consolation from Pope Francis;
  • Acts of kindness in the family, school and parish;
  • Suggestions to make Christmas more sustainable so as to care for our common home;
  • Seasonal prayers;
  • Resources for Advent including books and music;
  • Advent events in dioceses and parishes;
  • Information on Trócaire’s life-changing Gifts of Love for 2021 as well as special appeals to help families in need.


Copyright 2025 St Trea's Parish