St Trea's
Newbridge & Ballymaguigan

Interactive Advent Calendar

24 Dec 2019

Now in its sixth year, the popular online Advent Calendar offers resources for the parish, school and home which can be accessed behind a virtual door each day during the season of Advent.  The content is aimed at assisting people to pray and to reflect on how best we can keep Christ at the centre of our Christmas preparations during this special liturgical season.
The unique interactive Advent Calendar has family prayers and suggestions for #LivingAdvent - acts of kindness or charity that all of us are encouraged to undertake during the month of December. The Calendar also shares tips on how families can care for creation, our common home, by having a more sustainable Christmas.

Archbishop Eamon Martin said, "I invite everyone during this Season of Advent to enjoy our online calendar. I ask that people would not just reflect on the content personally but share it with others on social media. At this busy time I encourage everyone to take a few moments of pause, in the stillness to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas which is that Christ is alive and that He is our hope.”
The Advent Calendar can be accessed here.

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